
Cardinal Principles of Healing

By: Kal Sellers
Published: September 20, 2024

Cardinal Principles of Healing

When someone begins with the presumption of understanding what really brings healing, he ought to immediately downplay his dramatic announcement or defend himself well and soundly in a way his peers would recognize as so. I will attempt both.

First, the discussion here is not the cardinal principles of healing. Those operate in a way that few understand and no one can communicate effectively to another. That kind of healing, which is the only real healing there is, must come from inside. The person has to exercise real, genuine faith and begin to believe they can walk on water--not in spite of the waves, but as though the waves exist not.

That is to say, they must stop seeing themselves as sick, thinking sick thoughts and believing sick things and engaging in sick dialogues based on self-deception and delusion. Instead, they must choose principles of truth. These principles every person knows, but no one can prove it and the principles of truth are ALWAYS disdained by the common agenda, for principles of truth place upon the individual the responsibility for his or her own actions, focus, intention, belief, energy level and outcome.

This is both a difficult path and the only path that is not difficult. It is difficult because things always escape our awareness and so things happen that we did not have a conscious path to prevent. It is also difficult because it is easier, at those moments, to blame someone else or no one and to think it is no one's fault, when in fact, we did it to ourselves, we just did it very unconsciously from a primordial place that pre-dates this life. Many people would gladly attack anyone who suggests that such is their own doing and an opportunity to learn and grow. This can be especially painful when parents must realize that they did damage to their own children and when anyone realizes he or she did damage to another and made the world worse with his or her choices.

It is the only path that is not difficult because it places the future in our power instead of outside of our power. It is not difficult because it gives meaning to every challenge that besets us. It is not difficult because the principles of truth grow in our lives and THAT makes us healthier, happier, more vital, more at peace, able to have things work together for us and, last but not least, we have a healthy conscience and a knowledge that we can live with ourselves and what we stand for. Eating right may not cure all your ills, but each generation who does so becomes healthier than the last and, if it is done correctly, in three generations, no illness will exist except mild acute illness.

Besides all this, the opposite, which has always lurked in the human heart, and which has become increasingly abundant and vocal of late, is a path to self-destruct. Why would you want to stay on that path, helpless and angry?

Well, this article is not about the above. I have actually given you about all that a person can give to another on the subject and then repeated myself in multiple ways. Now it is up to you to look inside and see if you can find the truth through all the clouds and disarray caused by falsehoods and folly. if you can, it will mean you have made some effort before this to live by the truth and to adjust your thinking, morals and beliefs to fit the truth, instead of attempting the ridiculous reverse. That will open the door for you to transform your life, health and the world. The only way to transform the world is through loving creativity and sound principles. Anything else just opens the gate wide for those influences waving the flag of entropy and they come in lying and controlling and trying to force all to join them in the delusion-driven destruction.

This article is about solid principles of healing from the standpoint of natural medicine. Of course, no one can fully search out the depths of healing as it comes forth from deep inside the energetic horizon of the body, which exists in each cell. There the Chinese medicine and philosophy ideas of yin and yang mix--the yang is the sky and the yin is the earth and at the horizon the energetic base from which all things are created and at the horizon that energy meets yin and yang and becomes the vital forces and then the physical realities of our bodies. These are governed by a single point of intelligence which is the mind of the eternal spirit. That mind and spirit come with a lesson to learn, contributions to make and a package given to them by the world at the present and the parents and ancestors of the family to which it is born as a physical being. I cannot capture that and give step-by-step instructions. So I am truly speaking in hyperbole when I announce that this is the cardinal principles of healing. Still, the content below, if you make it through all the existentialism above, will prove practical and useful to every person in the healing arts and any person trying to heal him or herself.

Principle 1: Nobody heals while reinjuring the part needing to heal. If you do not remove the stress and injury, how can healing take place. This actually applies to the principles above as well, but is quite practical in the healing arts. If you want to heal kidneys or stomach, you shall have to abandon caffeine, refined sweeteners and processed food items. One of my heroes in natural healing is Dr. Richard Schulze. He says, "Getting well is easy, all you have to do is stop doing what made you sick and start doing what will make you well."

My Chinese philosophy friends would say that that is the yang expression of stopping injury. There is also a yin expression of this principle. That is in the form of toxicity and inflammation which is trapped in the tissues. Today, I find that doing something to lower the inflammation is the primary goal. A strict diet is effective, but in practice I rarely urge that on people because the compliance is so low (honestly, I do not comply with my own instruction here and am overweight because of it). Instead, I use Standard Process protomorphogens, which will, for a few months, interrupt the inflammatory response and promote normal activity of the organ. I often use these for a month with some key dietary and habit changes, followed by nutrition which helps the organ function nutritionally (the next principle).

Principle 2: That leads us to principle 2, which is that you have to introduce those things which will bring about healing. If we continue on with kidneys and stomach, you will have to increase the intake of useable metabolic acids (vinegar, sauerkraut, Cal Amo, Phosfood, fish oil). You may have to do more. This of course takes some understanding and the trend in natural healing since the 1960's really (though it has gone crazy the last 20 years) is to adjust reality to fit whatever you are selling. People with no clinical practice invent a list of testimonials and then sell a dubious product at best with a really good sales pitch. Life is more complicated than a single supplement. Today what we need to do is look carefully for practitioners who actually have a practice where they can see patients over and over and keep outcome assessment tools and the like. For this reason, chiropractors and acupuncturists have the best healing practices today. They get to see if their recommendations are a bad idea. They might not help you, but they are going to learn from not helping you. Someone just handing out advice may never know that the advice they have been giving out for 10 years was trash. Someone selling a supplement can lie like a rug in their sales pitch. There is no consequence for that in the legal system of today. Further, people will keep buying supplements on ill-advised sales pitches apparently forever.

For this reason, I have two rules I teach in my classes as follows: 1. never use more than 6 supplements at one time. You can have a cupboard full if you know they are good quality and you know how to use them, but on any given day you never take more than 6 different ones.
2. Never use any supplement with more than 15 ingredients. If it has more than 15 ingredients, the person making it up did not know what they were doing or why. Now, all rules have exceptions, but the exception here is that if someone has combined two or three supplements into one because they are often used together, you can take that supplement but it COUNTS as 2 or 3 supplements as the case may be, toward the maximum of 6 supplements.

If someone tries to send you out of their office with 10 or 12 different supplements, leave that office without them and do not go back. That is a person with no idea what is wrong with you or how to fix it. They are throwing everything at it hoping something will work. I find this is often the case with people diagnosing patients with some kind of electromagnetic frequency machine. These are interesting and valuable but they do not differentiate between problems and often miss very important underlying problems. My experience has been, for example, that people often will have several systems out of balance and be deficient in many things purely because the stomach does not function properly. This seems to be partially about chemistry and partially about behavior and it must be treated directly and wisely to get the person actually well.

Principle 3: Raise the vibration of the body. This involves putting down your electronic devices and going out into nature to feel, smell, see, hear it as it is. Go out barefoot. Leave all devices (including your watch) at home and get connected. It involves eating raw, live food that has been grown in the best possible conditions without chemicals.

In my practice, this involves switching from Standard Process glandular medicines and dead minerals to live foods, herbs, juices and the like as soon as possible, if it is possible. Mostly I use Dr. Christopher herbs and for single herbs I usually buy Nature's Way or Solaray at the time of this writing.

This principle involves changing our thinking and our language to one where we demonstrate a choice to be well, happy, faith-filled and empowered to make responsible choices and choose the outcome.

Religious leaders often announce that you can choose what to do but you cannot choose the outcome. What they mean by that is if you make immoral choices, bad stuff follows. That is certainly true. I just emphasized myself that you have to choose healthy, empowered, responsible thoughts and words and actions.

It is simply not true, however, that you cannot choose the outcome of your EFFORTS in day to day life. You do it all the time and will continue throughout your life to do so. You do not get to think and say sick things and be well and you do not get to eat crap and spare your children the downgrade in health every generation. There are limits to what you can choose the outcome for. The very act of choosing the outcome is a moment of interface with truth principles and faith. These are true principles and so you can get empowering outcomes.

Principle 4: The unspoken principle. Notice how little I said about infection, parasites, fungus and candida. Any practitioner who overemphasizes these is selling something or has bought ill-conceived notions from someone selling something. Yes, it is nice to know how to use white oak bark to cure thrush and other candida overgrowths. It can be cured in 3 days and we can stop discussing it. Same is true of every type of infection. Deep, embedded old infection, such as tuberculosis and other spirochete bacteria may need a whole lifestyle change and some herbs that clean the blood, but I find that these cases are obvious and direct. The modern Lyme disease craze is unwise and poorly understood and is being used in place of clinical knowledge about how to get the body to heal.

In those cases which seem to have a deep, underlying infection (which is almost always viral material attached to cells throughout the body and not any of the things mentioned above which have so much contemporary traction), the priority is to raise the vibration of the body and restore the very easily lost metabolic acids in the body.

Principle 5: Behavior of tissues. It is impossible to overstate the importance of training the tissues to behave in a healthy way. Exercise and herbs and meditation can be used to train tissue behavior. Of course, the body has many self-regulating mechanisms but these are influenced by our thinking, daily demands on our bodies and such things as we eat. Sugar tends to weaken and slacken tissue. Many self-regulating mechanisms require plenty of raw food (fruits and vegetables primarily) to function. Humans are not fantastic at making wise decisions in these departments.

Principle 6: Train your brain to be what you want it to be.
The human brain, given the choice, will always sit on the couch with a pizza and a beer watching soap operas. In other words, it is hard-wired to conserve energy and indulge itself.

On the other hand, literally ANY thing you ask the brain to do over and over, it will one day do. Stroke patients and undeveloped brains due to damage and birth defects and many other situations have proven this. Stroke patients paralyzed on one side for 8 years have walked out of therapy and could garden and could drive. But this required asking the brain to do something it COULD NOT DO for 3 hours per day for several months. The good hand gets bound to the chair while the hand that does not move AT ALL is set on the table and instructed to put a ball in a hole. Then for 3 hours they sit there trying to do something they CANNOT do. They cannot do it because the pathways in the brain that communicate to the hand are destroyed.

But...guess what...? If they keep asking the brain, relentlessly, to do the task, it will begin to write new pathways. In a few months those pathways connect and the person can then do the thing they could not before do.

ANYTHING you ask your brain to do over and over it will eventually do. Do not give up. Train your brain to guide the body you want the way you want.