
Kidney Stones

By: Kal Sellers
Published: September 2, 2018

Kidney stones have a specific symptom pattern. Kidney infections also produce the same symptom pattern...plus fever and feeling very poorly.

Classic kidney stone symptoms have always been present in my practice when the individual had kidney stones. Not all the symptoms have been present but a majority.

1. Pain in the back near the kidney (under the lower ribs on either side) which progresses around the side and inferior until it arrives at or near the groin.

2. Extreme pain with Murphy's Punch (this is a test for kidney stones and infection where the practitioner places his or her hand over the kidney and strikes the back of that hand (into the kidney) with the other hand, creating a shock wave into that kidney. This is repeated on the other side)

3. Pain that comes and goes. By definition this is called "colic pain" which is where a smooth muscle spasms, causing intermittent pain, usually sudden and severe.

4. Blood in the urine and possible pain when urinating.

Internal organs typically give a very reliable pain pattern. For example, gall bladder goes to the right shoulder and the right side of the front and back at the level of the gall bladder (bottom of the ribs). It generally stays put and does not migrate. Pancreatic referral tends to affect the whole abdomen and may center on the navel and may affect the left shoulder and left side of the back. Small intestine tends to be felt in the kidney area but more or less equally on both sides or migrating from the right side to the left. These are reliable patterns of pain which tell us where the problem is. It doesn't tell us what the problem is, just where, though inflammation in the said systems is likely cause. Heart attack symptoms are well known by most people as they create pressure in the chest, pain in the left arm for men and the right arm and jaw for women.

In any case, once a person has kidney stones, they usually want relief right away. It often drives people to go to the emergency room where they will often get intense drugs which may not kill the pain! The great news is that our treatment not only is very effective for all types of stones but it relieves pain right away. It dissolves the stone (though a very large stone may take time to dissolve and should be reviewed by a urologist) very quickly.

We use two ingredients: apple juice and cut and sifted hydrangea root. Because hydrangea root is not usually carried by health food stores, it is best that every household have a pound or two on hand for these occasions. We do have pounds of hydrangea root for sale on this website on the store page.

1 and 1/4 cups of cut hydrangea root (dried)

1 gallon of apple juice

Combine on the stove in a large stock pot and bring to a boil. Watch carefully for if it stays at a boil it will ruin the preparation. Once it boils it must be IMMEDIATELY reduced to a very low simmer (not really bubbling at all) for 2 hours. From the moment of the first boil it can be used, even before it reaches full strength.

Strain out 2 fluid ounces at a time and drink this much each 20 minutes until the pain is gone. After that, drink 2 ounces every hour until the pain is gone.

Surprisingly, the pain is usually gone or significantly reduced by the second dose! It is literally the most effective thing I have ever heard of and far more effective than a lot of popular herbs for kidney stones.

Taking more will not help faster. Stick to the 2 ounces.

If one is prone to kidney stones, I have them do 3 days every 3-4 months to keep the gravel dissolved and removed before stones form.

As always, none of this guidance is intended to replace the sound guidance of the appropriate health care provider. Very often lay people when left to themselves will misdiagnose, miss important warning signs or make errors in preparations even as simple as this one. Because of that, it is not just words I am saying to protect from liability when I say that if you do not know for sure what you are doing or what you have, see someone who can help you. It is certainly true that medical doctors can be pushy towards their bias in medicine, but once you realize that that is all it is, you can get their help, politely respond to them and then make the decision which is yours to make about what to do for your own health, which is your right and responsibility.