
  Find Your Health Condition 

Colds and Coughs

What to do when the congestion reaches your lungs


In my practice I have had excellent success with even insulin-dependent diabetes so long as it is not juvenile onset auto-immune diabetes. Most cases which are not yet insulin-dependent may get better within 1-3 months. This article describes in detail everything I do in my practice with diabetes to get these results. I do it often and I have never had cause to change the approach. 

Immune Dysfunction Part One


Immune Dysfunction Part Two


Kidney Health For Youth

Nothing is more related to how we age than the health of the kidneys. Having been born with weak kidneys which were damaged later, I had to learn to keep them functioning just to function in life and learned how much they really regulate flexibility and youthful vigor, including sex life.


Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, prevention, their symptoms, how to dissolve them and ease the pain in the very fastest way



Adapted by Traci Sellers from insulin controlling diets for optimal health benefits and healing during weight loss. Her own story and those who worked with her prove its almost perfect score at regulating and maintaining healthy weight for life. 

Skin Condition

Thyroid Healing 

Low thyroid function, improving energy levels, awakening the brain, body temperature, sweating and slow metabolism can be related to an unhealthy thyroid. This is how I help my patients recover quickly in my practice. 


Energy in motion: The fundamental principle of health and healing forever: Listen Here  

 Child Appetite and Liver: Listen Here

 Adult Liver Today: Listen Here  

 Gut Lesions: Listen Here  

 Afib: Listen Here