
Grade 1 Diabetes

By: Kal Sellers
Published: September 23, 2024

Grade 1 Diabetes: How to cure it now.

When that sugar starts to climb and the A1C gets up above 6.5, you do not need to go on drugs for it. Actually, if caught early on, it would always be an easy fix to sort out diabetes. This fix will not work once insulin is used and it will not work for juvenile onset, autoimmune diabetes. If there is interest, I will happily address these in later articles. This article is to simplify my life so I can send patients a link instead of repeating the instructions to every patient.

Harm from high sugar does not occur until fasting blood sugar reaches 145 or so. Below that, it need not be treated at all. However, normal is 90-126 and if you are above that or near the top all the time, it is probably time to get down to business.

Oh, you heard that normal was 70-110? No, that was invented by drug companies to sell drugs. The single study used to promote the change (yep, just one study apparently "caused" the change) was dubious at best and the subsequent ones have been loaded with agendas. It has been known for a long time what normal was but now the great and powerful drug companies of Babylon have changed things for their gain. It is dirty. It is true. Similar things occurred with cholesterol and blood pressure and absurd responses have followed there.

So, put your mind at ease and lets take a look at how to take control. I have it boiled down to 5 simple steps. Simple steps do not easy steps make, and some addiction issues may be present here but those will be resolved, I think, with the vinegar tool I will give you in number 3.

1. Dairy
Much to the shock of no small number of patients has been learning that dairy, not sugar, is the biggest liability (and contributing cause) in diabetes. This is also true of depression, thyroid issues and cancer. Dairy is our number one problem.

By its nature and design, mammary secretions of any species has the job of rapidly transitioning the young of the species from the womb--where things are quiet and warm, soft and consistent--to the outside world where it is cold and hot, bright and dark, windy and still and there are poky things.

So, dairy causes rapid development, answers the need for lots of sugar in the nervous system to tolerate stress and it is a sedative to the nervous system, endocrine system and circulatory system. It slows pancreatic function and simultaneously prolongs availability of sugar in the blood. It is the number one problem for diabetics. Some will recover entirely just by eliminating dairy. I do indeed recommend eliminating dairy protein entirely.

We have observed that butter is okay and does not cause the problem and I encourage grass fed butter consumption in my practice.

2. Stress/cortisol
Cortisol is pretty well understood. When present, it blocks ordinary body cells from taking up sugar and simultaneously causes the cells to release protein which the liver then converts (in a messy process) to glucose. Cortisol will allow ONLY the brain to accept glucose. In order then to get that sugar back down where it should be, the pancreas is called upon to release more insulin than usual. This process leaves the body toxic and depleted. Obviously, we need to reduce cortisol.

So, here is a delicate matter of judgement. If a person gets healthy, gentle exercise that is never beyond fatigue, then cortisol will lower. It will lower if you do leg-strengthening work which raises human growth hormone (HGH).

On the other hand, if you are a runner or triathlete or anything that allows you to do limited adaptation and push your body past the point of fatigue, this will raise cortisol and will be the opposite of help.

My prejudice is that the best exercises are tai chi and Chi Lel chi gong or 8 pieces of brocade chi gong. These create strength and control and simultaneously relaxation. They each do their part to strengthen the legs and will increase HGH and testosterone for men. They will lower blood sugar and cortisol. Stress patterns will gradually disappear from doing these exercises.

In addition to these, some meditation is very wise. Train the mind to quiet and think of nothing or to connect with the unified field that makes up everything and everyone. Learn to recognize thoughts and to let them pass away. Teach your brain that stress thoughts are no longer useful or right for you.

Instead, faith-filled, happy and confident thoughts are right for you. Things working together for you, works for you.

3. Stomach acid
You cannot keep the gallbladder, bile ducts or pancreatic ducts clear and free of bacterial overgrowth without healing the stomach and having proper acid levels and other secretions in there at the right time. It follows that no diabetic should be on proton pump inhibitors. Getting off proton pump inhibitors is easy and need not be done slowly. You can stop today if you do the other instructions given here today.

Stomach acid is discussed in detail in a previous post and so I will not repeat the discussion here. Go to the blog and look for a post about healing the stomach just shortly before this one.

I will give one short instruction, which is take a pinch of cayenne pepper (35000 to 45000 heat unit, the hotter cayenne is not more helpful and may be too uncomfortable for some) and put in very warm water and drink down 10 minutes before each meal and snack. This will immediately resolve the need for most cases to take antacids or proton pump inhibitors and will immediately help with our blood sugar healing journey.

4. Refined sweeteners
Certainly it does not help our situation on many levels to consume refined sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. Such choices are always detrimental in many ways. Artificial sweeteners do impact the mechanism for sugar release and maintenance, causing confusion in the body and, statistically, making things worse, not better for diabetics and people trying to lose weight.

Refined sweeteners include corn syrup of every type and white cane sugar and beet sugar (though people definitely have fewer problems with beet sugar). These raise blood sugar but cannot be used in that form by the body or the brain and must be converted. Thus they cause damage in the body, cause the excretion of nutrients and cause the pancreas to secrete insulin to try to lower the blood sugar and they make the brain crave more sugar while the unusable sugar saturates the blood and takes the place of usable sugar. Generally, we find that sugar causes more cravings for sugar and makes the brain less stable. It has been observed that high fructose corn syrup causes the greatest amount of distress and has been labeled an excitotoxin, which is a blending of a stimulant and a neurotoxin. This observable effect makes us feel that the diabetic should never consume any of this sweetener under any circumstances and should carefully limit white sugar consumption.

Interestingly, fruit and honey will lower blood sugar almost immediately, provided they are used wisely (without fat and, in the case of fruit, all by itself. We feel that fruit should be encouraged 20 minutes before meals or as the meal and honey should be encouraged anywhere sweet is needed where there is not a lot of fat present. Fat and sweet together are not always a problem but fat does slow the uptake of sugar from the blood.

5. Evening meal
The overwhelming majority of people in the early stages of diabetes can return to normal by doing only two things: 1. avoid dairy, 2. eat a pristine evening meal that allows the body to reset itself overnight and the pancreas to enter a metabolic phase overnight.

This meal typically is 70% raw vegetables and nonsweet fruits (tomatoes, avocados, etc.) and 30% of one of the following: steamed or seared vegetables, baked potato, sweet potato, squash, summer squash/zucchini, steamed artichoke, steamed potato.

This is to be dressed with olive oil and vinegar, herbs and sea salt.

Nothing else. No other seasonings or dressings. No toppings or croutons. No bacon bits or any kind of concentrated protein. Just the above with no variation.

One possible variation would be a baked apple with cinnamon and honey for dessert. Best to stick to this plan and not alternate or change anything. This will lower blood sugar in the early diabetic case almost immediately and the person will feel so much better that they will never doubt the health benefits, though it does little to fill the addiction to a nightcap.

Finally, it is wise to finish eating supper by 7 pm at the latest. After that, if anything is desired only drink water with a small amount of apple cider vinegar added to it and do not eat or drink anything else at all.

I know I said 5 rules, but I do advise the blood sugar patient to use Dr. Christopher's Herbal Pancreas Formula, 2 capsules with each meal. This will lower blood sugar and repair the pancreas and eliminate infection, including small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which is such a common problem today.